Montessori Preschool in Winnetka Framework for Learning - The Prepared Environment

When you enter our Montessori preschool in Winnetka, you will notice something special about the classroom. In a typical Montessori preschool classroom, children who range in age from three to six years old are actively engaged at learning stations around the room, working quietly in their own activities or together in small groups. The classroom is organized with plenty of space for students to spread out their individual projects and with learning tools arranged on low shelves around the room, making the classroom feel dynamic but uncluttered. There are plants and classroom pets that the students care for, and Montessori teachers, or guides, who observe how the students interact with the classroom and who introduce new tools and activities when a student demonstrates a deeper interest in the topic or skill. This is the prepared environment of a Montessori preschool.
A Montessori preschool classroom made to be used by the students within it

When Dr. Maria Montessori researched and developed her method of education, she based it on her observation that children have a natural love of learning. As an educator, she believed her role was to further foster that love in her students and empower their sense of curiosity. To do this, she prepared the classroom environment to be uniquely accessible to her students so they could navigate the space independently and direct their own learning. In today’s Montessori preschool classrooms, this prepared environment looks like a space where anything the students need to learn and master a new skill is physically within reach. Furniture and tools are the right size for students and appropriate for their motor and cognitive abilities. In this environment where the classroom is made for the students within it, children gain competence and confidence in navigating the spaces they occupy to meet their needs.
Learning tools curated to meet Montessori preschool students where they are
Another concept that underscores the Montessori daycare prepared environment is that of hands-on learning. Dr. Montessori observed that children learn first through concrete, tangible tools and then develop the capacity to turn those lessons into more abstract ideas. Children start learning language, math, science, and practical life skills by exploring the environment around them and then build on that solid foundation. Montessori preschool educators the world over use the learning tools Dr. Montessori developed, such as number rods and sandpaper letters, to introduce concepts in a multi-sensory way in their prepared classroom environments. Students are shown how to use these tools in activities and are encouraged to experiment while teachers observe and offer guidance when needed. As students progress and master skills, the teachers will introduce new tools and activities into the classroom for students to choose from. Around the world and in Valor Montessori Prep preschool in Winnetka, CA, children get to benefit from this prepared environment the moment they step inside the classroom.
Valor Montessori Prep in Winnetka, California offers a Montessori preshool program ages 2-5. We have created observation-based classrooms, which allow for individually catered curriculum, leading to the success of each individual child, while allowing intricate social growth within the group. Schedule a tour of our Montessori preschool today to learn more!