How to Keep the Montessori Method at Home Going Strong-montessori preschool winnetka-Valor Montessori Prep

How to Keep the Montessori Method at Home Going Strong

In any Montessori preschool, parent involvement is highly encouraged. As a parent, you are, and always will be an integral part of your child’s education. At our Montessori Preschool Winnetka, we believe parents are equipped to continue their child’s Montessori education at home when necessary. 

Observe Your Child

It sounds so simple…observe your child, and truly it is. The backbone to a Montessori preschool education is observation. Watch your child throughout the day, and see where their interests are. Most children don’t mind having mom or dad follow them around. They usually enjoy it very much! What peaks their curiosity? When you spot those areas of interest, run with it. Do they seem drawn to arts and crafts?

Take the lead and gather up any arts and crafts materials you have around the house, and leave them in a safe, available area. Maybe your child is more of a builder. If you have some wooden blocks in the playroom, consider bringing them into an area where your child will be near you, so you can converse with them while they are building their creations. Those are just a couple of examples of the same ideas you would see at our Montessori Preschool in Winnetka. As you observe, you will see what suits your child’s needs. Education happens as you communicate with your child. There isn’t always a need for formality. 

Take Time to Read

Make reading time a very special time of day. Let your child know that you look forward to it, and they will too. Keep all of the age appropriate books in one area, and allow them to choose what they’d like to listen to or read; as you do this, you will find which books pull your child in, and which cause them to lose interest. Do not be discouraged if at first this doesn’t go as smoothly as you had hoped, or maybe your child loses interest quickly. If you haven’t implemented these ideas at home before, this may feel new to your child too. Be patient and follow their lead, and reading will fall into place. Remember, the Montessori preschool education is child led. If you have an energetic child who can’t sit still, try reading aloud as they pace the floor or build with blocks. This is your family…do what works for you! 

Most of All, Enjoy This Time

Take a deep breath mom or dad. You are doing great! No one knows your child like you do. Observe, follow, listen, talk, and read together. At Valor Montessori Prep we are here for you and answer any questions you may have. Until then, enjoy this unique time you have been given with your preschooler. This is a wonderful age to allow your child to explore and discover their own interests. More importantly, it is a wonderful time for you to enjoy the journey. 

Valor Montessori Prep’s goal is to develop confident, competent, self-disciplined and driven individuals, who can work cooperatively for the benefit of society.

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