How to Help Your Montessori Preschooler Succeed in Their Academic and Personal Lives - MOntessori preschool - Valor Montessori Prep

How to Help Your Montessori Preschooler Succeed in Their Academic and Personal Lives

Your preschooler’s education doesn’t end when the school day is over. It continues at home. Many parents, especially those who send their child to traditional schools, don’t know how to support education at home. They might assume teachers do all the work, but the truth is that your child is key to their own success.

To give your preschooler the best education, you can follow the below steps suggested by the Montessori preschool in Winnetka.

Give your child opportunities to be independent

Ask your preschooler to help you with tasks you know they can handle, even if they’re difficult. If you help your child the moment they struggle, you take away an opportunity to work out a solution. It’s the Montessori way to let your child probe at the obstacle for a bit, then guide them toward success. Honing independence means letting your child practice new and old skills, teaching them how to navigate a variety of situations. 

Teach your child how to show and accept respect

Respect is a key element of your preschooler’s academic and personal life. At Montessori preschools, respect is demonstrated with classroom greetings, welcoming words, and handshakes. Outside of school, show your preschooler how to show basic respect. This takes the lesson out of the classroom and into personal life. Remember that your child looks up to you as a role model. They’ll mimic what you do and say.

Allow your child to assist with meaningful tasks

Children want to feel like they belong, which is achieved by contributing to a task, assignment, or social situation. At home, give your preschooler meaningful tasks, especially those they’re interested in, to let them take part in household activities. Invite them to help with cleaning, sorting laundry, washing silverware, or setting the table. Thank them for their help so they know they’re making a difference.

Give your child a regular routine at home

Establish routines with your preschooler and be consistent. Show your child where to replace utensils and put dirty clothes, and what to do after school. Allow adequate time to transition between activities and help your child stay on time. There should be a window of unstructured time for your child to play and explore spontaneous interests. And when the routine needs to be changed, explain the changes to your child. They should understand that routines are meant to be followed, but also flexible.

Montessori Preschool in Winnetka, CA

Valor Montessori Prep’s mission is to provide child-guided education for children aged 3- to 6-years-old that inspires lifelong learning. Contact us to learn more about our hands-on curriculum and programs in Winnetka and Chatsworth.

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